Tereza ØSTBØ Kuldova, PhD
Jardar N. Østbø, PhD
Christin Thea Wathne, PhD
Research Professor
Work Research Institute
OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University
disciplines: social anthropology, critical theory, ultra-realist criminology, South Asian studies
areas of interest: intelligent surveillance, artificial intelligence, algorithmic governance, power and labour, inequality, organized crime, policing, subcultures, philanthropy, elites, luxury, consumption, consumerism
Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies
disciplines: Russian studies, cultural studies, critical theory
areas of interest: securitisation, social media and demonstration, policing protest, Russian nationalism and security policy, moral cultures, elites, political economy, power relations, crime-politics nexus
Research Professor ​
Work Research Institute
OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University
disciplines: sociology, criminology, management and organizations
areas of interest: law enforcement, security, surveillance, labour rights and work organization, New Public Management, governance, the Nordic Model of co-determination, worplace surveillance, digitization and society, social impacts of artificial intelligence
Aleksandra bartoszko, PhD
Eivind Falkum, PhD
Bitten Nordrik
Associate Professor
Faculty of Social Studies
VID Specialized University
disciplines: social anthropology, medical anthropology, legal anthropology, STS
areas of interest: life quality, drug use, legality, harm reduction, risk, medical surveillance, social work and policy, algorithmic governance, biometric technologies, health
Research Professor ​
Work Research Institute
OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University
disciplines: sociology, organizational theory, anthropology of labour
areas of interest: digitization and labour, the Nordic Model, political economy, workplace democracy, institutional change, industrial and corporate relations, decision-making, power, labour organization, technological change
Work Research Institute
OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University
disciplines: sociology, organizational theory, management
areas of interest: leadership and management, workplace surveillance, conflict, digitization and labour, the Nordic Model, political economy, workplace democracy, decision-making, power, institutional and technological change, HR and artificial intelligence
Paulo cruz terra, PhD
Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil
disciplines: labour history, slavery studies, legal history
areas of interest: legislation, surveillance policies, punishment, anti-vagrancy policy, labour relations, protest, technology and labour
Mikkel flyverbom, phd
​​Department of Management, Society and Communication
Copenhagen Business School
disciplines: communication, governance, STS
areas of interest: digital transformations, datafication, transparency, visibility, algorithmic governance and politics
Pramod K. Nayar, PHD
Department of English Literature
University of Hyderabad, India
disciplines: literary and cultural theory, English literature
areas of interest: ecocriticism, surveillance, human rights and literature, postcolonial studies, emotions, everyday cultures, new media and cybercultures, consumerism, digital cultures, India
Aurelija PUraitE, PhD
Kjetil Klette Bøhler, PhD
Jacqueline clare mallett, PHD
Associate Professor ​
Vice-Dean for Science
Academy of Public Security
Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania
disciplines: international public law, human rights law, administrative law​
areas of interest: law enforcement, public security, digitization and society, impacts of artificial intelligence to human rights
Senior Researcher
Norwegian Social Research
OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University
disciplines: interdisciplinary musicology, ethno-musicology, cultural studies
areas of interest: music, aesthetics, politics, Latin America, unemployment, participatory democracy, music and technology, governmentality
Assistant Professor​
School of Technology
Reykjavik University, Iceland
disciplines: multi-disciplinary computer science, machine learning, economy
areas of interest: application of network and signal processing techniques, deep learning, computer simulation, banking systems, financial markets
Teaching Assistant of Social Anthropology
University of Bologna, Italy
disciplines: social anthropology, peace and conflict studies, STS, African studies
areas of interest: conflict managment and religion, armed conflicts, religion and pentecostalism, law enforcement, private security, surveillance and security policy, internet and cybercultures, technology and culture, governmentality
Stephanie Hobbis, PhD
Assistant Professor
Wageningen University, the Netherlands
disciplines: sociocultural anthropology, development studies, peace studies, Asia-Pacific, island studies
areas of Interest: critical digital anthropometry, biometric technologies, infrastructures, power relations, governance in and beyond states, development interventions, rural-urban continuum, politico-religious uncertainty, food
Geoffrey hobbis, PHD
Assistant Professor
University of Groningen, the Netherlands
disciplines: sociocultural and digital Anthropology, media studies, technography, Oceania, island studies
areas of Interest: critical digital anthropometry, sociotechnical systems, body techniques, biometric technologies, kinship, sharing economies, off-grid internets, media ecologies, moral cultures
Per bonde hansen, PHD
Shivangi Narayan
Senior Researcher
Work Research Institute
OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University
disciplines: history of ideas, labour history
areas of interest: capitalism, organization of labour, labour rights and regulation, Nordic model of work organization, digitalization, workplace monitoring, platform capitalism, unorganized labour
PhD Fellow
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
disciplines: sociology, social anthropology
areas of Interest: AI, Policing, Digital Identification, Biometric Identification (India's Aadhaar), Surveillance, State, Bureaucracy
Postdoctoral Researcher
Institute of Sociology
Technische Universität Berlin
disciplines: sociology, science and technology studies, criminology, security studies, surveillance studies
areas of interest: predictive security practices, epistemology of machine learning, algorithmic decision-making, sociology of testing
mini m abraham, PHD
Sigurd M. N. Oppegaard
Assistant Professor &
Coordinator, Internal Quality Assurance Cell
Department of English
Bharata Mata College Kochi
Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, India
disciplines: literary and cultural studies, English as a second language, English literature
areas of interest: Indian English literature, evaluation framework in higher education, AI and quantification in higher educational ranking frameworks and assessments, role of humanities, surveillance and society, technology and culture, listening skills in second language learning
Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Oslo / Researcher, Fafo Institute for Labour Social Research, Norway
disciplines: sociology, critical theory, industrial relations, sociology of work
areas of interest: platform work, digitalization and labor, trade unions, the Nordic model, automation of work, capitalism, organization of labor, labor process analysis
Associate Professor
Department of Public Communication, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
disciplines: political communication, communication theory, socio-technical approaches to communication
areas of interest: platform and algorithmic governance, information manipulation, online propaganda and conspiracy theories, social and political impact of big data, algorithmic bias, posthumanist theory, digital transformations of personal identity, digital transformations of political leadership
Assistant Professor
Department of Cultural Anthropology, Utrecht University
disciplines: anthropology, African studies, critical criminology
areas of interest: policing, private security, violence, sovereignty/power, ethnography, inequality, performativity, urban studies, materiality
Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law, University of Oslo
disciplines: criminology, critical security studies, police sociology
areas of interest: policing, police culture, security, crime prevention, risk assessments, professionalism, knowledge/expertise and power, digital criminology
daniel maul, PHD
Department of Archeology, Conservation and History
University of Oslo
Disciplines: international and transnational history, social and economic history, cultural history
Areas of Interest: working conditions, social inequality, past future(s) of work, global social policy, welfare state, international organizations, development, human rights, humanitarianism and philanthropy.
Thomas Raymen, Phd
Senior researcher
Work Research Institute
Oslo Metropolitan University
disciplines: social anthropology, (ethno-)musicology
areas of interest: digitalization of arts and culture, creative labor, creativity, ethnography, popular music, popular culture, music industries, AI in music
Associate Professor
Department of Humanities & Social Science, Teesside University, UK
disciplines: criminology, sociology, zemiology
areas of interest: work and employment, social harm, consumerism, political economy, labour exploitation, migration, urban sociology
Associate Professor
Department of Social Sciences, Northumbria University, UK
disciplines: critical criminology, zemiology, leisure studies, theoretical psychoanalysis
areas of interest: Deviant leisure, social harm, luxury, consumerism, post-liberalism, gambling, environmental crisis, violence
Department of Electronic Media and Mass Communication
Pondicherry University, Puducherry - 605014
disciplines: media and communication, digital cultures
areas of interest: digital media and affect studies, media convergence, algorithmic governance and labour, material cultures of technologies
claire crawford, Phd
Assistant Professor
Jindal School of Liberal Arts and Humanities (JSLH)
O.P. Jindal Global University, India
disciplines: sociology, social anthropology, criminology
areas of interest: power, policing, algorithmic governance, state, political sociology, sociology of law, governance, political economy, theories of everyday and ethnographic methods.
Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Politics and IR
University of York
disciplines: Politics, Political Sociology, South Asian Studies
areas of interest: Social Movements, Digital Governance, Postcolonial Theory, Feminism, Indian Politics
tomas salem
PhD fellow
Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen, Norway
disciplines: social anthropology, critical security studies, gender studies.
areas of interest: policing, state formation, post-colonial theory, masculinity, authoritarianism, happiness and wellbeing.
Audrey Millet
Mathew A Varghese
University of Bologna, Italy
disciplines: labour history, fashion studies
areas of interest: fashion industry, supply chains, sustainability, organized crime, corruption
Assistant Professor / Research Guide
Mahatma Gandhi University- School of International Relations and Politics
Hon. Director: Centre for Urban Studies
matzwordz@interdisciplinarity.org, cus@mgu.ac.in
disciplines: Urban Governance and Spatiality, Political Geography, International Political Economy, Political Ecology and the Anthropocene.
areas of interest: Unintentional Designs and Co-species evolutions in the Anthropocene, Algorithmic governance, Political Economy of Globalisation, Politics of Climate Change, Political Ecology, International Political Economy, Spatial Geography and Spatiality, New Religious Assertions, Political Philosophy, New Forms of Labour, Anthropology of Development, Urban Anthropology of South West India, consumerism
Shiva S
PhD Candidate
Department of Social Sciences and Humanities
IIIT Delhi
Disciplines: sociology, labour studies, development studies
Areas of interest: paid and unpaid labour, gender, social reproduction, digital governance, neoliberalism
Associate Professor
Queen’s University Belfast, UK
deepaksp@acm.org (preferred)
Disciplines: AI, Data Science, Technology and Society
Areas of Interest: AI ethics, Political Economy of AI, Responsible AI, Algorithms and Society
Ujjwal Kango
Assistant Professor
Public Policy and Sociology
IIM Sirmaur
disciplines: Sociology, Public policy
areas of interest: algorithmic governance, labour platforms, work and technology, technology policy and ethnographic methods.