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#1 Inequality in the (Post)-Pandemic City: Securitization, Surveillance and the Logics of Algorithms

“We have to keep in mind, that we are really standing to lose a lot of rights, if these kind of surveillance technologies do not end with the state of exception”, warns Tereza  Østbø  Kuldova, Social Anthropologist and Senior Researcher at OsloMet in this interview with GRIP in the new series on “Inequality in the (Post-) Pandemic City”.  

Building on the accomplishments of the Global Research Programme on Inequality’s (GRIP) Miniseries “COVID-19 and Inequality”, we introduce a new miniseries exploring the long durée implications of the pandemic on urban orders. “Inequality in the (Post-) Pandemic City” probes how different dimensions of inequality are shaped, exacerbated, co-exist or materialized in globally diverse urban contexts. In this series, we provide insights from researchers, scholars and specialists and ask how the effects of the pandemic, including the virus itself or the intervention measures associated with it, are impacting people and communities, particularly in relation to economic, political, social, cultural, environmental and knowledge-based inequalities.

First up in the new series is Tereza Østbø Kuldova, interviewed by Elina Troscenko, Advisor and Research Coordinator in GRIP.

Tereza  Østbø  Kuldova is a Social Anthropologist and Senior Researcher at the Work Research Institute at Oslo Metropolitan University. She is currently working on topics of algorithmic governance, surveillance, and artificial intelligence in policing and the welfare state. She is the founder and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Extreme Anthropology.


© 2020 by Tereza Østbø Kuldova

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